
Kotaemon: An open-source RAG based tool for chatting with your documents

4 min read
open-source RAG

In the ever-evolving landscape of AI, tools like Kotaemon are reshaping how we interact with documents. Kotaemon serves as a powerful open-source platform, catering to both end users looking for a user-friendly interface for document-based question answering (QA) and developers aiming to build their own RAG (Retrieval-Augmented Generation) pipelines. Whether you’re managing documents or crafting custom pipelines, Kotaemon offers the flexibility and functionality you need.

The Problem with Traditional Search Engines

Search engines, though powerful, have limitations. They often present a list of relevant documents without addressing the specific context of a user’s query. This leads to inefficient searches, as users must manually sift through multiple documents to find relevant information. The problem intensifies as information grows, creating an overload that hampers quick, accurate data extraction.

Introducing Kotaemon: A RAG-Based Solution

Kotaemon was developed to address the challenges of extracting information from large text-based datasets. By leveraging the Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) method, Kotaemon retrieves relevant documents and uses advanced language models (LLMs) to generate contextually accurate responses. This makes it superior to traditional search engines, which often miss the nuance in queries.

How Kotaemon Works

Kotaemon’s architecture comprises two main components: retrieval and generation.

  1. Retrieval Phase: The system indexes documents and creates embeddings—numerical representations of text semantics. When a query is submitted, the system retrieves the most relevant documents using similarity search algorithms.
  2. Generation Phase: These retrieved documents are combined with the query to create context, which a language model then uses to generate a coherent response. Users can customize the system by selecting different LLMs and indexing algorithms, making Kotaemon a flexible tool for diverse applications.

Why Kotaemon is Better

Kotaemon’s strength lies in its ability to merge the best aspects of document retrieval and AI-driven content generation. This results in more accurate, informative responses and a reduction in the time and effort users spend searching for information. While traditional search engines often leave gaps in contextual understanding, Kotaemon fills those gaps effectively.

For End Users: A Streamlined QA Experience

Kotaemon provides a clean and minimalistic UI, allowing users to perform QA on their documents efficiently. The tool supports a variety of LLM API providers like OpenAI, AzureOpenAI, and Cohere, as well as local LLMs through ollama and llama-cpp-python. With easy installation scripts, getting started is hassle-free, ensuring that users can focus on extracting the information they need without technical barriers.

For Developers: Customizable RAG Pipelines

Developers benefit from Kotaemon’s robust framework, which enables them to build and customize their own RAG-based document QA pipelines. The platform offers a Gradio-powered UI that allows developers to see their pipelines in action and make real-time adjustments. This versatility makes Kotaemon an ideal tool for integrating RAG techniques into various applications.

Key Features

  1. Host Your Own QA Web-UI: Kotaemon supports multi-user login, organizing files into private and public collections. Users can collaborate and share their chats within the system.
  2. LLM & Embedding Model Management: Manage both local LLMs and popular API providers like OpenAI and Azure, making it easy to switch between different models as needed.
  3. Hybrid RAG Pipeline: The tool uses a combination of full-text and vector retrievers with re-ranking to ensure high-quality retrieval, providing accurate and relevant information.
  4. Multi-Modal QA Support: Kotaemon allows QA across multiple documents with support for figures and tables, offering multi-modal document parsing options.
  5. Advanced Citations with Document Preview: Detailed citations ensure the accuracy of LLM answers, with the ability to view citations directly in the in-browser PDF viewer, complete with highlights and relevance scores.
  6. Complex Reasoning Capabilities: Kotaemon supports advanced reasoning methods, such as question decomposition and agent-based reasoning with frameworks like ReAct and ReWOO, enabling it to handle complex, multi-step queries.
  7. Configurable UI Settings: Users can adjust key retrieval and generation settings directly through the UI, allowing for a customized experience tailored to their needs.
  8. Extensible Platform: Built on Gradio, Kotaemon is highly extensible. Developers can customize the UI and integrate various strategies for document indexing and retrieval. The platform also provides a GraphRAG indexing pipeline as an example.


Kotaemon is a game-changer for both end users and developers, offering a powerful combination of retrieval and generation techniques to deliver precise, contextually accurate answers. Whether you’re looking to streamline document QA or build your own RAG pipeline, Kotaemon provides the tools and flexibility to make it happen. As information continues to grow, having an adaptable, efficient system like Kotaemon will be key to managing and extracting knowledge from large volumes of text.


Kotaemon allows multiple users to log in, organize files in private or public collections, and collaborate on shared documents.

Kotaemon supports both local LLMs and popular API providers like OpenAI, Azure, and Ollama.

Yes, built on Gradio, Kotaemon’s UI is fully customizable, allowing developers to add or modify elements as needed.

Yes, Kotaemon supports complex reasoning methods, including question decomposition and agent-based reasoning frameworks like ReAct and ReWOO.

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